you have stepped into
huixin's fantasy
and i'm living like there's no tomorrow.
12:11 AM, Tuesday, November 14, 2006
MOVEDwas quite reluctant to leave at first. cause i never liked to venture into unfamiliar waters. always preferred to do what i was most familiar with. haha the secondary school the DISC personality test described me as so. but ebloggy is lousy with server problems always.
so i decided to BAN JIA to here. relink me people
OP ended finally. thankgod pw is over. haha pw was a nerve-wrecking experience. but i got to look at things from a different way. to be more exact. to look at people in different ways.
BUT i am still glad that my group supported me till the end. even though sometimes i throw temper and give chou lian. even though sometimes i feel mei you yong. but i am glad. it is over!
and after pw. we decided to go and EAT. haha pizzahut was great.
and i came up with this ARTISTIC creation after i finish eating. but they said it was not nice.
no TASTE. i shall find someone who appreciate my works

huixin's creations ;)
i was browsing through photos in my handphone. and i decided to upload these as well
something that made my seventeen birthday special. this is kinda over due but no harm yups =)
all thanks to my girlfriends efforts. and most importantly nina. she very enthusiastic about this fondue party because she is a pig and wanted to eat chocolate fondue
haha crapping can eating can be so fun =D
and although this year's birthday have been like a mini emotional roller coaster for me. at least these were de 'ups'

the food. and MINDYOU. there is ALOTALOT of food yups. we had to play 26261121 rounds of zhong ji mi ma to finish de food.

the dear host of the fondue party.

the historical moment! aiwen eating cheese LOL

the unglam picture of winniechng. but tooBAD lar you are forever unglam anyway :P

the pig who can eat and slp and continue eating again!
many people had walked into my life. but as many have since walked out. these are people whom i once thought were really important people in my life. but it turned out to be otherwise.i can only hope that 10 years from now there will still be this mad group of girls in my life