you have stepped into
huixin's fantasy
and i'm living like there's no tomorrow.
10:01 PM, Thursday, July 19, 2007
!haarrrry potter

yay harry potter and the deathly hallows is coming to town this saturday 21st july 7.01am!
and i am intending to go to my dear neighbourhood singpost branch at 7plus in the morning to go collect my copy! woohoo i am going to drag my mum out of bed to go along with me!
i am looking forward to this last book of this series. excited! i think j.k. rowling is a very impressive author! she manages to piece all the books together like a puzzle and everything falls into place slowly. she leave clues in the previous books that are linked to the next book and so on. then i will like "ORHHH NO WONDER.." when reading the book. AHHH excited!!!
when the last book "the half blood prince" came out two years ago, i got the book on the first day. because it was really nearing the prelims, i told myself, "ok, huixin. you must have self discipline and you must study! leave the reading till later! one day read one chapter only."
i finished the book at the end of the same day.
this goes to show my degree of self discipline.
i received my first harry potter book when i was in primary five or six. at that age i guess i am still used to reading books with larger words and fewer pages. anyway i found the first few pages of the book really uninteresting. My attention span is very short so I gave up on the book.
then the three books were left to gather dust and spiderwebs and what-nots for many years.
until one fine day i was really bored and i wanted to find something to read.
and i finished the first second and third book in one go. realised that i like harrypotter a lot a lot a lot.
ok enough of my grandmother story
we shall end with a moral then(to give this entry more meaning):
it's really funny how we often grow to like things that we really disliked initially.
the same logic seems to applies to the best friends around me too.